POS Adapter Upgrade

This article will guide you through the process of upgrading the POS Adapter for PROD and UTA servers.


Step 1 - Go to the FTP2 site and download the .exe installer.

  • U: fnb

  • P: 1S6564qq

(User name and password might change for every customer)

Step 2 - Select the Web Client Option

Step 3 - Download  the file MMPOS Adapter and run the file as Admin

(Right Click to get drop-down file and select download)



The installer will prompt you to select the Destination Folder location. Make sure it is installed in the DATA folder





Step 4a - Stop POS ADAPTER service.

Step 4b -  Delete the pos-adapter.log from the mm-logs folder in the MMPOS_Adapter folder and restart POS_ADAPTER service.

Step 4c - Once the install and configuration are complete, use the link below to verify local communication to the service:


Step 5 -  Once the install is complete on the 1st server, repeat the process at the second server starting from Step number 1 to Step 4.  (See illustration below) 

Prior to moving to Step 4 in the process, change the settings at the FNB file for the second install, "cloud_proprieties” field change from UAT to PROD or vice versa.