Access Token
A token used to get access to any endpoint of the Core Services Platform API.
An authentication key that allows you to obtain an Access Token for the Core Services API.
An Application is a group of related Integration Endpoints. An Application belongs to one specific Instance.
A set of configurations that allow you to configure and connect to an external service. A Connection belongs to one specific Instance and you can create any number of Integration Endpoints based on a given Connection.
A logic instance of the Core Services Platform for a specific customer.
Integration Endpoint
An API endpoint that allows you to interact with an external service based on a specific Connection. The external service could be any of the supported connectors (e.g., HTTP, SOAP).
Management Tenant
The management tenant or the Management Instance is the Instance of the Core Services Platform used by the administrator to access any of the services in the Platform API, for example, creating other instances or API Keys.
On-premise Agent
The On-premise agent is a process that runs inside a secure network and establishes a Web Socket connection with the Core Services platform, enabling the use of connectors, that would otherwise be unreachable from the cloud.
A specific "view" or "version" of an application that encompasses all of the application resources (endpoints, configuration, storage, etc.). All applications start off with a `default` provision and new ones can be added to inherit from a parent provision.
Also called an Instance, is a logic instance of the Core Services Platform for a specific customer. A Tenant can point to multiple Provisions. For example, a customer may have a Development Provision, UAT Provision, and Production Provision.
A kind of API endpoint that can orchestrate other endpoints and resources within the Core Services.